Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic with very interesting properties in terms of resistance to impact, heat resistance and optical transparency, such that the material has greatly penetrated the market in a variety of functions. Shaped sheet has three common presentations:
solid sheet - also called monolithic
sheet alveolar cell also known as
Corrugated sheet solid
It is a polymer formed of molecules of Bisphenol A, units with carbonate groups.
Impact resistance, which it is of the order of 200 times that of the glass, It is the property that allows to occur in alveolar plates, also known as "cell", with walls of reduced thickness and consequently with relatively low cost. In this presentation the material used in the construction of skylights and dome, having shifted largely acrylic.
Its high resistance to impact and optical properties have made this extraordinary thermoplastic earn an important position in the market for specific uses:
Transparent and translucent roofs, domes and skylights
This application is mostly used cell sheet for its lightness and reduced the cost of it emerges.